Algorithms with incomplete information lato 2020/21

Język wykładowy Angielski
Opiekun Jan Otop
Liczba godzin 20 (wyk.)
Rodzaj I2.T - teoria inf.
Polecany dla I roku Nie
Egzamin Tak

Opis przedmiotu:

This course is given by Andrzej Pelc ( Tradeoffs between the amount of information available to an algorithm solving a given task and the complexity of the solution. #### 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Advice given to nodes 3. Advice given to a single agent 4. Advice given to many agents #### 2. Algorithms for mobile agents. Summary: Algorithms for tasks such as rendezvous, gathering and exploration executed by mobile agents in networks modelled as graphs or in the plane. 1. Introduction 2. Taxonomy of rendezvous problems 3. Synchronous rendezvous 4. Asynchronous rendezvous #### 3. Strategies for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Summary: Introduction to the IPD problem and analysis of good strategies for it. 1. Introduction to the IPD problem 2. The model 3. Robust strategies 4. Implementation issues #### 4. Written exam (90 minutes). ### Schedule: **enrolment April 6-11** **each day the lecture starts at 14:00** * April 13 --- 4h * April 15 --- 4h * April 16 --- 2h * April 20 --- 4h * April 22 --- 4h * April 30 --- 2h written exam ##### This lecture is founded by the project POWER. Each student who enrols to this lectures needs to fill in participant registration forms: (please contact for details).


Prowadzący Termin zajęć Limit Zapisani Kolejka
Nieznany Prowadzący
wt 14:00-18:00 (s. ) cz 14:00-18:00 (s. ) pt 14:00-16:00 (s. ) 200 10 0

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Konsultacje prowadzących:

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