Course on Biomedical Image Analysis for Computer Scientists lato 2022/23

Język wykładowy Angielski
Opiekun Jan Otop
Liczba godzin 13 (wyk.) 3 (prac.)
Rodzaj K2 - kurs zaawansowany
Polecany dla I roku Nie
Egzamin Nie

Opis przedmiotu:

**Przedmiot prowadzony przez dr. Artura Yakimovicha z The Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS). Prezedmiot prowadzony jest nieregularnie: Wstępny terminarz 20,21 kwietnia, 25,26 maja oraz 15 czerwca po 3h** Imaging in Biology and Medicine provides a window to the hidden worlds. Visualising objects ranging from molecules and cells to body parts and organisms allows us to intuitively understand these worlds. Yet, beyond merely being able to look, with the help of modern- day Computer Vision algorithms, we can measure and understand what happens in those invisible worlds. Empowered by Computer Science, modern biomedical imaging has become indispensable in research and diagnostics and bears promise to power the future of precision medicine. In this course, you will get an overview of modern-day biomedical imaging techniques and understand the respective purpose of each technique ranging from X-ray imaging to superresolution light microscopy and electron microscopy. You will learn the peculiarities of working with specific imaging data, as well as basic data manipulations. Furthermore, you will be introduced to conventional and state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning techniques used to analyse these data. The course contains 13 lectures delivered in two blocks (April and May). Finally, this course contains practical project work and presentations (June). Prerequisites: basic understanding of algorithms and data structures, a basic understanding of machine learning, an advanced understanding of statistics, and an advanced level of Python.


Prowadzący Termin zajęć Limit Zapisani Kolejka
Artur Yakimovich
cz 10:00-13:00 (s. 141) pt 10:00-13:00 (s. 141) 16 12 0

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Konsultacje prowadzących:

Imię i nazwisko Pokój Konsultacje
Artur Yakimovich