Kurs: Nowoczesne technologie WWW zima 2012/13

Język wykładowy Angielski
Opiekun Maciej Sobczak
Liczba godzin
Rodzaj Kurs
Polecany dla I roku Nie
Egzamin Nie

Opis przedmiotu:

**English title: Modern Web Technologies** **Learn how to go in the production with professional and modern web app.** The lecture is designed so that to provide insight into the most popular approaches to the web applications design and architecture. During one semester course the following topics would be covered: 1. Protocols, Servers (node.js – server side javascript) and Browsers 2. Markup Languages – SGML, XML, HTML, XHTML, SVG, MATHML, HMTL5 3. Cascade style sheets CSS (especially CSS3) 4. JavaScript and its frameworks, libraries and extensions (JQuery Family – Core, UI, QUnit, Mobile) 5. Web Services, Ajax, Web 2.0 architecture 6. Python and Django 7. Ruby on Rails 8. node.js real-time applications 9. Architecture and design of web apps built for mobile devices 10. Building dynamical and real-time apps: Ajax vs Comet 11. Web application performance. Use of asynchronous tasks (Celery), Memcached and optimization tools 12. Cloud computing (Amazon + Google App Engine) 13. Data storage: SQL vs noSQL Databases 14. Web Application security 15. Walk through best known web applications examples – Google, Yahoo, Facebook etc. Each of the mentioned topics will be extended significantly in order to cover as much as possible. As a part of the training students would be obliged to participate in online laboratories as well as live meetings with the lecturer dedicated to problem solving. THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE LECTURE IS STUDENT’S PERFORMANCE – in other words at each stage of the course current performance of each student would be monitored and appropriate help and support would be provided if necessary. Each lecture would be presenting not only the content and use of particular technology but what is the most important BEST PRACTICES BEHINED GIVEN TECHNOLOGY. Lecture would be marked by taking into account student’s performance during lectures, labs and final project which would be developed in stages during the whole semester by working closely with lecturer. **Prerequisites** 1. Intermediate English 2. Working knowledge of at least one scripting language 3. Curiosity and desire to learn lots of really up-to-date awesome web technologies Basic knowledge of html, css and javascript is required, as covered on Kurs WWW. Those students that would not present such skills should be aware of a little bit more work they would have to do in order to cope with presented material. During lectures and labs all necessary informations and tips would be provided and no additional printed materials wouldn't be required. Even though for those who would like to widen their knowledge from the covered topics the list of recommended readings can be found below **Literature** 1. Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices 2. Web Engineering, The discipline of systematic development of web applications 3. Code in the Cloud (Pragmatic Programmers) 4. Javascript: Patterns 5. Javascript: The Good Parts 6. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement 7. Node: Up and Running: Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript


Prowadzący Termin zajęć Limit Zapisani Kolejka
Maciej Sobczak
300 27 0

UWAGA! Wyższa liczba oznacza wyższy priorytet, po zapisaniu do grupy zostajemy usunięci z kolejek o niższym priorytecie.


Prowadzący Termin zajęć Limit Zapisani Kolejka
Maciej Sobczak
15 15 0
Maciej Sobczak
15 11 0

UWAGA! Wyższa liczba oznacza wyższy priorytet, po zapisaniu do grupy zostajemy usunięci z kolejek o niższym priorytecie.

Konsultacje prowadzących:

Imię i nazwisko Pokój Konsultacje
Maciej Sobczak