Seminar: Algebraic effects

Język wykładowy Angielski
Semestr Zimowy
Status W ofercie
Opiekun Dariusz Biernacki
Liczba godzin 30 (sem.)
Rodzaj Seminarium
Polecany dla I roku Nie
Egzamin Nie

Opis przedmiotu:

Programming with algebraic effects and handlers is a relatively novel technique of representing computational effects such as exceptions, mutable state, or nondeterminism, in a modular way, making it possible to program against an interface, and with a number of different effects simultaneously, which is where the more traditional monadic approach often falls short. Effects and their handlers are rapidly making their way into practical programming, in the form of dedicated languages (e.g., Eff, Frank and Koka), extensions of existing languages (e.g., OCaml) and libraries. In this seminar we are going to read a collection of recent research papers on algebraic effects, identify future research directions in this area and discuss the design and implementation of prototypical programming languages supporting algebraic effects, including Helium, a language developed at our institute. [Effects bibliography](