The goal of the subject is to get inside knowledge of the range of problems connected with generating photorealistic images by simulation of light transport. Some people say that everyone should implement a ray tracer and although a simple one can be done in one afternoon we will devote the whole subject to do it nicely and to have more satisfaction and deeper understanding.
The lecture will present theoretical background and during the lab we will implement the ray tracer starting from simple one, than adding accelerations structures and up to the physically correct one with Monte Carlo methods to solve light transport equations.
* Ray tracing methods from visibility to simple light transport simulation
* Acceleration structures to make it fast
* Physical foundations of light transport
* Monte Carlo methods
* Ray tracing Monte Carlo methods: path tracing, photon maps, bidirectional path tracing, Metropolis, ...
* Radiosity method
* High Dynamic Range Imaging and Tone Mapping
* Computer Graphics / Podstawy grafiki komputerowej
* Probability / Rachunek prawdopodobieństwa
* Calculus / Analiza matematyczna