Computer architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create a computer that meets functional, performance and cost goals. We will learn advanced concepts of the different parts of modern computing system that are subject of the recent research in Industry and Academia. We will cover: memory technologies, processing in memory, memory scheduling, caches, branch prediction, speculative execution, parallel computing systems, heterogeneous computing, interconnection networks, etc.
The goal of this seminar is to explore space of computer architecture research. We want to go broad, not deep. Each talk should highlight the most important aspects of given publication - we don't want to dive into details. We need to cover some of the tools listed on [GitHub]( that SAFARI group uses for research.
Before you give first talk you should familiarize with the following:
* [The Task of the Referee](, Smith, IEEE Computer 1990
* [Notes on Constructive and Positive Reviewing](, Hill & McKinley, 2005
* [How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper](, Levin & Redell, OSR 1983
* [How to Write a Great Research Paper](, Jones, 2016
Any publication recommended by [Onur Mutlu](, renowned researcher in the area of computer systems, will do. However you're free to choose a paper published (in recent years) on conferences listed below:
* MICRO: [IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture](
* ASPLOS: [International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems](,
* ISCA: [International Symposium on Computer Architecture](,
* HPCA: [IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture](
Each student will give three brief presentations - up to 30 minutes + discussion. To manage your time efficiently you may choose to reuse slides available on [Seminar in Computer Architecture 2021]( (and previous years) course site.