Przetwarzanie Obrazów / Digital Image Processing

Język wykładowy Polski
Semestr Letni
Status Poddana pod głosowanie
Opiekun Andrzej Łukaszewski
Liczba godzin 30 (wyk.) 30 (ćw-prac.)
Rodzaj I2.Z - zastosowania inf.
Polecany dla I roku No
Egzamin Yes
Tagi NG (metody numeryczne i grafika komputerowa)

Opis przedmiotu:

Przedmiot może się odbyć w języku polskim lub angielskim o czym możemy zadecydować na pierwszych zajęciach (Language can be switched to English or Polish, we can decide about it on the first lecture). Advances in digital photography have made great interest in Digital Image Processing (DIP) area and created new research field of Computational Photography (CP). In this lecture we will present both classical DIP methods which are the main tools in image editors as well as the new methods from the CP. **Topics:** 1. Color Science and High Dynamic Range Imaging 2. Per pixel operations, histograms, combining images 3. Geometrical operations eg. distortion correction 4. Linear filtering and Fourier transforms 7. Edge detection 6. Nonlinear filters eg. median, bilateral 8. Morphological operators: dylation and erosion 9. Multiresolution representations 10. Keypoint detection and image registration 11. Image segmentation, graphcuts and texture synthesis 12. Gradient domain image processing **Requirements:** * some maths: Calculus and Algebra * programming skills: prefered C/C++ * knowledge of Computer Graphics can be beneficial